Affandi Koesoema

Affandi and painting

During his life, he has produced more than 2,000 works of painting. His works are exhibited to various countries in the world, whether in Asia, Europe, America and Australia are always fascinating world of art lovers. Painter who won the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Singapore in 1974 was the work of his paintings, more often spill liquids directly from the tube of paint was then brushed the paint with his fingers, play and process color to express what he saw and felt about something.

On his way to work, the degrees of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Singapore in 1974, is known as a painter who adopted or abstract expressionism. So that his paintings are often very difficult to understand by others, especially by someone who lay about the art world, if no explanation. But for lovers of painting it so that adds charm.

Simplicity way of thinking looks at a time, Affandi was confused myself when Western critics ask concepts and theory of painting. By Western critics, Affandi's paintings are considered to give a new style of expressionism flow. But when it actually Affandi asked, what it flow?.

Even when his parents, Affandi blinded himself with the theories. In fact he was known as a painter who does not like to read. For him, the letters are small and large specter renik considered.

In fact, in everyday life, he often says that he is a painter buffalo, diakunya nickname because he feels as stupid painter. Perhaps because the buffalo is an animal that is considered dumb and stupid. The attitude that the maestro was not fond of theorizing and prefer to work in real earnest as evidenced by professing himself as a painter who not only seasonal exhibitions. Even against his chosen field, he was not overreacting.

For example Affandi answer each time was asked why he paints. With lightly, he replied, I paint because I can not write, I'm not good at talking. The language I use is the language of painting. For Affandi, painting is work. He paints like a man hungry. Until the elitist impression about as a painter, he just wants to be a sketch artist.

He further argued that he did not have a personality big enough to be called an artist, and he does not put art on the family's interests. If my child sick, I was going to stop painting, he said.

Until his death in May 1990, he remained to cultivate the profession as a painter. Activities that have become part of her life. He was buried not far from the museum's establishment.

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